WARNING: Viewing this site may endanger your life. The information that you are about to read has been deemed classified by the Federal Avocado Commission. View it at your own risk...

50 years ago, a unidentified flying object was sighted in Roswell, New Mexico. The government has denied that any such event has ever occurred, and have just recently deemed the event "the result of Air Force experiments". But many still argue that such an event did occur, and that the government has been covering it up all these years. The unfortunate thing for us is that these poor souls are correct in their thinking, but they do not yet fully realize the true implications of this one event...

First you may want to read about how I became involved in the horror of avocado. I suggest that you read my first publication The Realm of the Avocado. It is not necessary that you view it prior to continuing, but it introduces you to my experiences with avocado first hand.

Moving on, in my previous exposé on the avocado I discussed the implications that the color avocado had on me. But after deeply researching the subject (spending most of my 20 years in libraries), I uncovered the rest of the avocado conspiracy, and it extends past any mere color implications as previously thought.

I can first trace the occurrence of the avocado uprising and assimilation into our society back 50 years. This little piece of information came about because of a government leak several years after the infamous Roswell incident. What you are about to see is actual Area 51 video surveillance footage that was taken prior to the Roswell crash. Follow the link below to continue.
